1)Did you meet ______________ (Обери: anyone, someone) at the party?
2)I love this place. There are books ____________________ ( anywhere,
3)Hello? Is ______________ ( someone, anyone) here?
4)I didn't eat ________________ ( nothing, anything) because I wasn't hungry.
5)Donna didn't tell ____________ ( anyone, no one) about it.
6)Let's do __________________ (something, anything) to improve the situation.


Ответ дал: KirKAmeee88


1. anyone

2. everywhere

3. anyone

4. anything

5. anyone

6. something

Ответ дал: aslqill

1. Did you meet anyone at the party?

2. I love this place! There are books everywhere.

3. Hello, is anyone here?

4. I didn’t eat anything because I wasn’t hungry.

5. Donna didn’t tell anyone about it.

6) Let’s do something to improve the situation

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