Помогите пожалуйста!!!
Составить вопрос правильно и ответить на него.
Student A: Prepare five questions using the prompts below.
Student B: Prepare the answers.
1 where / buy your ticket?
2 where / want to go?
3 when/realise your mistake?
4 what / happen / on the plane?
5 you/finally go to Granada?
6 you/get any compensation?​


Ответ дал: maksim4otkii



Student A's Questions:

Where did you buy your ticket?

Where do you want to go?

When did you realize your mistake?

What happened on the plane?

When did you finally go to Granada?

Did you get any compensation?

Student B's Answers:

I bought my ticket at the travel agency near my apartment.

I want to go to Paris for my summer vacation.

I realized my mistake as soon as I arrived at the airport.

There was some turbulence, but nothing serious happened on the plane.

I finally went to Granada last year during the spring break.

Yes, I received compensation for the delayed flight.

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