1. This is ____apple on the table.А
an , B. a

2. She____ a baby brother.A.have got, B. has got

3. There isn't ____milk in the bottle.A. some, B.any

4. My friend____funny.A. are, B.is

5.What time____she go to bed?A.do, B. does
6.They ____like art.A.doesn't, B. don't
7.They really like____English teacher.A. they, B. their
8.His brother____hungry. A.are, B.is
9.____ pencils are blue. A.that, B.but
10.____a big window in the room.A.There aren't, B.There isn't
11. I can sing____I can't dance.A. and, B.but
12.My friend likes____tennis.A. playing, B.play будласка допоможіть


Ответ дал: vikylka353
1. This is **an** apple on the table. (A)

2. She **has got** a baby brother. (B)

3. There isn't **any** milk in the bottle. (B)

4. My friend **is** funny. (B)

5. What time **does** she go to bed? (B)

6. They **don't** like art. (B)

7. They really like **their** English teacher. (B)

8. His brother **is** hungry. (B)

9. **The** pencils are blue. (B)

10. **There is** a big window in the room. (B)

11. I can sing, **but** I can't dance. (B)

12. My friend likes **playing** tennis. (A)
Ответ дал: chinchilla17

1. a) an

2. b) has got

3. b) any

4. b) is

5. b) does

6. b) don't

7. b) their

8. b) is

9. a) that

10. b) There isn't

11. b) but

12. a) playing

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