There are statements on the topic Charity.Choose one statement and write essay
Statements:1 the charity which i support raises money for children who are seriously ill.
2) I donate money to charities dedicated to helping poor people in drought-affected areas,who are at riskfrstarvation disease.

include:which of these would you support?
which other charities do you know about?
would you like to do a voluntary work in a developing county?why?why not?

You should:choose one statement and write
give 2-3 arguments supported with examples/evidence
use subject-specific vocabulary
use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas logically
use appropriate grammar structure and complex sentences​


Ответ дал: gsh6274qqj

Charity is quite popular nowadays. People have become more open and kind-hearted.

On the whole, charity means voluntary giving of help to those who are in need. Charitable giving can include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity mean providing basic items of necessity, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, healthcare and

else.Благотворительность является

довольно популярной в наши дни. Люди стали более открытыми и добрыми. В целом, благотворительность означает добровольное предоставление помощи тем, кто в ней нуждается.

Благотворительные пожертвования могут включать в себя акт дарения денежных средств, товаров, времени, внимания и доброты к несчастному. Большинство форм благотворительности означают


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