1. We may see some changes, things that you might not understand as food g 2. Insects are rich in protein, low in fat, and easy to f 3. Scientists have already found ways to create meat in the l 4. We're also looking at ways to make proteins out of things like mud and wood and also s 5. Other developments on your kitchen table include an intelligent k 6. Really giving people more i about their food​



Ответ дал: maksim4otkii


We may see some changes, things that you might not understand as food gets.

Insects are rich in protein, low in fat, and easy to find.

Scientists have already found ways to create meat in the lab.

We're also looking at ways to make proteins out of things like mud and wood and also study.

Other developments on your kitchen table include an intelligent knife.

Really giving people more insight about their food.

naruto8765: Это точно правильно?
Ответ дал: timkuschinsky

1. Gets

2. Find

3. Labs

4. Study

5. Knife

6. Information

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