Вставте пропущене слово The Internet helps me with learning and doing my___________. I also use it for downloading music and watching_________. I know I mustn’t give out any personal information or post a________. I also know I mustn’t meet up with anyone I ________online. Sitting alone in a_________ isolates you from the real world, from your ________and family. Довідка : video, clips, meet, homework, room, photo, friends​


Ответ дал: llemon832
The Internet helps me with learning and doing my **homework**. I also use it for downloading music and watching **video clips**. I know I mustn’t give out any personal information or post a **photo**. I also know I mustn’t meet up with anyone I **meet** online. Sitting alone in a **room** isolates you from the real world, from your **friends** and family.
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