Outside it's boiling hot, but customers at 0) .... restaurant are sipping hot drinks and wearing thick coats! Chillout is in Dubai and it's a very unusual restaurant. Inside it's -5° C and nearly 1)........ there is made of ice. It has 40,000 tons of ice in it and it has ice walls, ice tables ice chairs and ice curtains. The customers eat from ice plates and drink from ice glasses. 2)....... is even an 'ice gallery' of Dubai's landmarks Before the customers go into the restaurant, the staff give 3)....... coats, gloves and shoes so that they are warm enough to sit in the col dining room. They wait in the Buffer zone for 4).... room that is cooler than outside, 5).... minutes. This is warmer than the dining room This way, their bodies can get used to the cold slowly. 6)..... waiters show the customers to their table and serve them fruit juice o hot chocolate.

Chillout has a great variety of salads, cheese, sandwiches, ice cream, and healthy fruit drinks, as well as hot main dishes. Most of the customers only stay for about thirty to forty minutes, though. That long 7)... in the freezing cold! Those who work in the restaurant need to leave the place at regular intervals or else they freeze.

If you ever go to Dubai, why not cool down at this restaurant? But don't leave your food for too long! It gets cold 8).... quickly.

0 A this B the C thet

1 A any B everything C each

2 A That B it C there

3 A they B them C their

4 A a few B a little C a lot

5 A but B and C so

6 A After B when C then

7 A too B enough C much

8 A very B much C so​


Ответ дал: nurxzc
0) C the
1) C everything
2) C there
3) B them
4) A a few
5) B and
6) A After
7) A too
8) C so
Ответ дал: SKZfan

0. the

1. everything

2. There

3. their

4. a

5. a few

6. After

7. too

8. very

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