1 Look at the pictures and the words and say what there is/isn't, are/aren't in the pictures, as in the example. 1 milk/tea There is some milk, but there isn't any tea. 3 coffee/tea 2 strawberries/bananas od szU 4 carrots/tomatoes 5 orange juice/apple juice nielssa? 1007 enkelt att ni se si 6 cakes/bread​



Ответ дал: lubahaleto


2. There are strawberries, but there aren't any bananas.

3.There is some tea, but there isn't any coffee.

4.There are few carrots, but there aren't any tomatoes.

5.There is some orange juice, but there isn't any apple juice.

6. There are cakes in the bag, but there isn't any bread.

Ответ дал: Sigmapro120fps
In picture 1, there is some milk, but there isn't any tea. In picture 2, it is unclear what is being referred to as "od szU." In picture 3, there are coffee and tea. In picture 4, there are carrots and tomatoes. In picture 5, it is unclear what is being referred to as "nielssa? 1007 enkelt att ni se si." And in picture 6, there are cakes and bread.
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