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Ответ дал: myrzajymkodar16

1.1)There is a wardrobe in the room

2)The room has a window

3)There is a TV in the room

4)The room has a carpet

5)the room has a flower

2.1)The room has a window

2)The room has a carpet

3)There is a chair in the room

4)There is a clock in the room

5)There is a mirror in the room

aizere7070: Спасибо большое ☺️
Ответ дал: iskmakha07


1. there is a tv in the room

2. there is a sofa on the floor

3. there is a picture on the wall

4. there is a carpet in the room

1. there is a bed in the room

2. there is a clock on the wall

3. there are books on the floor

4. there is a table in the room

5. there is a chair near the table

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