1 Which is the space hotel? a G 2 Where will the hotel's orbit be? a around the Earth b around the Sun e around the Moon 3 How many rooms will the hotel have? a ten b fifty c a hundred 4 How many restaurants will it have? a one b two e three 5 In the evening, people will a go to the cinema. 6 What sport will people do? a tennis b running e basketball b watch TV e listen to music.



Ответ дал: Sigmapro120fps
1. The space hotel is option G.
2. The hotel's orbit will be around the Earth.
3. The hotel will have a hundred rooms.
4. The hotel will have three restaurants.
5. In the evening, people will go to the cinema.
6. People will do tennis, running, and basketball as sports. They will also watch TV and listen to music.
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