1. How does media representation influence perceptions of gender, ethnicity, and diverse cultures? 2. What are the potential effects of excessive screen time and media exposure on children's development and mental health? 3. How has streaming technology impacted traditional television and film industries, as well as audience viewing habits? 4. In what ways has citizen journalism and user-generated content empowered individuals to participate in media creation and reporting?​


Ответ дал: aiaspannyn
1. Media representation shapes societal views by reinforcing stereotypes or challenging norms, influencing how people perceive gender, ethnicity, and diverse cultures.

2. Excessive screen time and media exposure in children can impact development, leading to issues like sleep disturbances, reduced physical activity, and potential mental health concerns.

3. Streaming technology has disrupted traditional TV and film industries, altering audience habits with on-demand content, challenging established distribution models.

4. Citizen journalism and user-generated content empower individuals to share diverse perspectives, democratizing media creation and fostering alternative narratives beyond mainstream sources.
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