1. What does Samantha do?
A. She organises Health and Fitness conferences.
B. She gives people advice on their diet.
C. She trains professional athletes.
2. What is true of Samantha?
A. She has her own gym.
B. She is in charge of a clinic.
C. She trains using fitness DVDs.
3. What is one of the reasons people are overweight?
A. They don't weigh their food.
B. They don't eat their meals when they should.
C. They eat too few meals.
4. How does Samantha feel about diet pills?
A. She isn't sure they work.
B. She is against the idea.
C. She approves of them.
5. How does eating at certain intervals each day benefit you?
A. It helps satisfy your hunger.
B. It helps you exercise more effectively.
C. It helps you burn calories.


Ответ дал: svishchova78
1. B. She gives people advice on their diet.
2. A. She has her own gym.
3. B. They don't eat their meals when they should.
4. B. She is against the idea.
5. A. It helps satisfy your hunger.
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