Домашнее задание: Задание 1. Откройте скобки, ставя глаголы в прошедшее простое время (Past Simple). First, he … (to open) the window. Then, he … (to look) down the street and … (to see) a strange black cat. Tom … (to come) home late, … (to eat) a sandwich and … (to go) to bed. I always … (to enjoy) reading fairy tales when I was young. Mr. Smith … (to arrive) at the office, … (to turn) on the computer and … (to start) typing. … you … (to study) hard when you were at the university? Princess Diana … (to die) in 1997. Forty years ago, my grandmother … (to walk) two kilometres to school every day. Last year, Tom … (to give) his wife a new car for her birthday. Michael … (to watch) a great film last night. My father … (not to fight) in the Second World War. …they … (to go) to Jamaica last summer? Jason … (not to get) his degree a year ago, he … (to get) it two years ago.​


Ответ дал: dimonchop


First, he opened the window. Then, he looked down the street and saw a strange black cat. Tom came home late, ate a sandwich, and went to bed. I always enjoyed reading fairy tales when I was young. Mr. Smith arrived at the office, turned on the computer, and started typing. Did you study hard when you were at the university? Princess Diana died in 1997. Forty years ago, my grandmother walked two kilometres to school every day. Last year, Tom gave his wife a new car for her birthday. Michael watched a great film last night. My father did not fight in the Second World War. Did they go to Jamaica last summer? Jason did not get his degree a year ago, he got it two years ago.

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