Task 4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in CAPITALS. Be attentive: you can write no more than three words!
e.g.: You can eliminate stress by exercising.
You can get rid of stress by exercising. RID
Answer to write down: get rid of

I think I am friendly with all my secondary teachers.
I ______ with my secondary teachers – they all seem to like me. WELL

Did you give your homework to the teacher?
Did you _______ your homework? HAND

You need to do what you think is interesting.
You need to _______. FOLLOW

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box (there are 2 extra verbs you won't need).
(X) means you need to use the negative form.
agree/ leave/ tell/ cook/ get

If my dad _________ (x) dinner today, we’ll order pizza.

You'll miss the plane if you __________ (x) now.

If my mom ___________, I will get a tattoo next year.


Ответ дал: rostik210309


I seem to be friendly with all my secondary teachers – they all like me. **WELL**

Did you **hand in** your homework?

You need to **follow**.


If my dad **doesn't cook** dinner today, we’ll order pizza.

You'll miss the plane if you **leave** now.

If my mom **doesn't agree**, I will get a tattoo next year.

stighor: Ростик, есть ошибки.
rostik210309: прости
pupil107: какая ошибка?
stighor: Долго объяснять. Ответ ниже. Думаю что лучший.
Ответ дал: stighor

Ответ: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

I think I am friendly with all my secondary teachers.

I get on well with my secondary teachers – they all seem to like me. WELL
- У меня хорошие отношения с учителями средней школы – кажется, я им всем нравлюсь.

Did you give your homework to the teacher?

Did you hand your homework? HAND
- Ты сдал домашнее задание?

You need to do what you think is interesting.

You need to follow your ideas. FOLLOW
- Вам нужно следовать своим идеям.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box (there are 2 extra verbs you won't need).

agree / leave / tell / cook / get

If my dad doesn't cook (x) dinner today, we’ll order pizza.
- Если мой папа не приготовит (x) ужин сегодня, мы закажем пиццу.

You'll miss the plane if you don't leave (x) now.
- Ты опоздаешь на самолет, если не уйдёшь (x) сейчас.

If my mom agrees, I will get a tattoo next year.
- Если моя мама согласится, я сделаю татуировку в следующем году.



rostik210309: да я тоже думаю что у тебя лутчше
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