Complete the sentences with words from the box using them in the proper form of Present Simple.
look be
go seem
have rain
start eat
take snow
speak win

1. The child ___ to school every day. His father ___ him the in his car. 2. She always ___ lunch at school. 3. Richard’s life in Paris is a bit difficult. He___ onlu English. 4. What’s the matter? You ___ very sad. 5. Liz is good at tennis. She ___ every game. 6. It ___ quite reasonable. 7. Winter is warm here. It ___ very seldom. But sometimes it ___ . 8. Helen is on a diet. She ___ a little. 9. He ___ in a hurry. 10. The exams at school ___ in April


Ответ дал: dimonchop


1. The child goes to school every day. His father takes him there in his car.

2. She always eats lunch at school.

3. Richard’s life in Paris is a bit difficult. He speaks only English.

4. What’s the matter? You look very sad.

5. Liz is good at tennis. She wins every game.

6. It seems quite reasonable.

7. Winter is warm here. It rains very seldom. But sometimes it snows.

8. Helen is on a diet. She eats a little.

9. He is in a hurry.

10. The exams at school start in April.

umka4041: Здравствуйте!! Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком!! У меня есть два вопроса по 6-7 заданий мне очень срочно нужно их сделать помогите!!!
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