WRITING. Choose ONE of the topics and write an essay.
Topic 1- «Earth and our place in it>>
1. What are some things that can be recycled?
2. What are some things that your community is doing to help the environment?
3. What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in your country?
Total (5)
4. Do you think global warming is an effect of pollution?
5. What makes environmental problems?
Topic 2 «Charities and Conflict>
1. What types of charities do you think are doing the best and most effective work in the world?
2. What do you think about giving money to homeless people or beggars?
3. Do you think it is better to give time or money?
4. Should rich people and corporations be forced to give to charity?
5. Are there any charity events that your school holds?


Ответ дал: Tokiometr



Title: Earth and Our Place in It

Our planet, Earth, is a delicate ecosystem that relies on a delicate balance to sustain life. Understanding our place in this interconnected web of life is crucial for preserving the environment for future generations. This essay will explore various aspects related to Earth and our role in its conservation.

1. Recycling:

Recycling plays a pivotal role in minimizing environmental impact. Items such as paper, glass, plastic, and metals can be recycled, reducing the strain on natural resources. By actively participating in recycling programs, individuals contribute to the sustainable use of materials and the reduction of waste.

2. Community Initiatives:

Communities around the world are taking proactive measures to protect the environment. These initiatives range from tree planting campaigns and waste reduction programs to sustainable energy projects. These collective efforts foster a sense of responsibility and promote environmental stewardship at the local level.

3. Pollution Reduction:

Individuals can play a significant role in reducing pollution in their countries. Using public transportation, adopting energy-efficient practices, and supporting policies that promote clean energy are effective ways to combat pollution. Personal responsibility and advocacy for environmental policies contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.

4. Global Warming and Pollution:

There is a strong correlation between pollution and global warming. The release of greenhouse gases, primarily through human activities, contributes to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere. Acknowledging this connection is crucial in addressing the root causes of climate change and implementing strategies to mitigate its impact.

5. Environmental Problems:

Various factors contribute to environmental problems, including deforestation, over-exploitation of natural resources, and pollution. Human activities that prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability exacerbate these issues. Education, awareness, and responsible decision-making are key to addressing and preventing environmental challenges.

In conclusion, recognizing our interconnectedness with the Earth prompts us to take active steps toward conservation. From individual actions like recycling to community-wide initiatives and global awareness of climate change, each contribution is vital. By understanding the impact of our choices on the environment, we can strive for a harmonious coexistence with our planet, ensuring a sustainable future.

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