помогите зделать 4 и 5 задание пожалуйста​



Ответ дал: Watermelonic15


1.If you don't practise enough,you'll never play well.

2.If we buy one of these,we will get another one free.

3.If you open this box,you will find a surprise inside.

4.We'll catch the six o'clock bus if we're be lucky!

5.Yo'll probably get that information if you will look on the the internet.

6.l'll be very surprised if Steve will be not at home.


1.If l tell you,will you keep it secret?

2.If l will help you,will you take the dog for a walk?

3.If you don't finish your food,you won't get any dessert!

4.Will you call me if l give you my phone number?

5.Are you going the ironing if l vacuum the floor?

What Juliet do if he doesn't come back?

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