Choose a or b.

1 ... weekdays I haven't got free times.

a) in b)on

2 ... the evening I go to the cinema or watch TV.

a) in b) on

3.They ... Spain every year.

a) visit b) are visiting

4.My mum ... on the phone at the moment.

a) is talking b) talk

5.I want ... a new skateboard.

a) buying b) to buy

6.I can't stand ... football on TV.

a) to watch b) watching

7.Susan ... swim two years ago, but now she ... .

a) couldn't/can b) can't/could

8.Phillip is good at football ... he is bad at tennis.

a) because b) but

9.Jack ... a flat tire while he ... home from work.

a) was getting/ drove b) got/was driving

10.Are there ... bananas left?

a) no b) any

11.I think ... is in the house. Let's call the police.

a) somebody b) nobody

12.Can I have ... milk with my tea, please?

a) some b) every


Ответ дал: chinchilla17

1. b) on - On weekdays I haven't got free time.

2. a) in - In the evening go to the cinema or watcg TV.

3. a) visit - They visit Spain every year.

4. a) is talking - My mum is talking in the phone at the moment.

5. b) to buy - I want to buy a new skateboard.

6. b) watching - I can't stand watching football on TV.

7. a) couldn't/can - Susan couldn't swim two years ago, but now she can.

8. b) but - Phillip is good at football, but he is bad at tennis.

9. b) got/was driving - Jack got a flat tire while he was driving home from work.

10. b) any - Are there any bananas left?

11. a) somebody - I think somebody is in the house. Let's call the police.

12. a) some - Can I have some milk with my tea, please?

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