Пожалуйста ответьте как правильно сделать

Transform WRITING Complete the sentences 23-30 with every-, any-, some-, no- or -where, -thing, -one. 23.I came into the room and didn't see one there. 24. My brother is a good boy. He does thing our parents ask him to do. 25. When I looked through the window I saw one standing in the garden. 26. Last summer I travelled where. I stayed at home. 27. Have we got any to eat, mom? 28. I looked for my cat every but I couldn't find it. 29. The teacher was happy that every 2 из 3 was present at the lesson. 30. The question was very difficult, no could answer it.singular sentences into plural sentences and plural sentences into singular sentences using this, that, these, those and other missing words. EXAMPLE: These are my books ⇒ This is my book. Начало формы 1 This is a flower ⇒ flowers. 2 That is a box. ⇒ boxes. 3 That is my father. ⇒ my parents. 4 Are those your friends? ⇒ your friend? 5 What are those things? ⇒ What thing? 6 These documents are important. ⇒ important. 7 Are these your shoes? ⇒ your shoe? 8 That's a good car. ⇒ good cars. 9 This is John. ⇒ John and Carla. 10 These are cheap computers. ⇒ a cheap computer.


Ответ дал: titorenkoanastasia76


Here are the sentences with the correct words:

23. I came into the room and didn't see anyone there.

24. My brother is a good boy. He does everything our parents ask him to do.

25. When I looked through the window I saw someone standing in the garden.

26. Last summer I travelled nowhere. I stayed at home.

27. Have we got anything to eat, mom?

28. I looked for my cat everywhere but I couldn't find it.

29. The teacher was happy that everyone was present at the lesson.

30. The question was very difficult, no one could answer it.

And here are the singular/plural sentences:

1. This is a flower → These are flowers.

2. That is a box → Those are boxes.

3. That is my father → Those are my parents.

4. Is that your friend? → Are those your friends?

5. What is this thing? → What are these things?

6. This document is important → These documents are important.

7. Is this your shoe? → Are these your shoes?

8. That's a good car → Those are good cars.

9. This is John → These are John and Carla.

10. This is a cheap computer → These are cheap computers.

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