II.Match the parts of the phrases.
1)to cut
a)for a help
2)to examine
b)a tummy ache
3)to have
c)a cold
4)to feel
d)a temperature
5)to ask
e)a patient
6)to catch
f)a pain in a heart
7)to check
g)a finger



Ответ дал: Sigmapro120fps
Certainly! Here are the correct matches for the given phrases:

1) to cut - g) a finger
2) to examine - e) a patient
3) to have - c) a cold
4) to feel - d) a temperature
5) to ask - b) a tummy ache
6) to catch - f) a pain in the heart
7) to check - a) for help

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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