Complete the sentences 23-30 with every-, any-, some-, no- or -where, -thing, -one.

23.I came into the room and didn't see (one) there.

24. My brother is a good boy. He does (thing) our parents ask him to do.

25. When I looked through the window I saw (one) standing in the garden.

26. Last summer I travelled (where). I stayed at home.

27. Have we got (any) to eat, mom?

28. I looked for my cat (every) but I couldn't find it.

29. The teacher was happy that (every) was present at the lesson.

30. The question was very difficult, (no) could answer it.


Ответ дал: kaguellion

23 no-one, 24 everything, 5 someone, 26 nowhere, 27 anything, 28 everywhere, 29 everyone, 30 no-one

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