Example: What does not the writer say about second-hand bazaars? A) The things are usually cheaper there. B) The money earned usually goes to charity. They are usually organized by the local government. D) These bazaars are sometimes a part of traditional holidays. 1. What does this text mainly explain? A) how second-hand sales raise money for charity B) where you can go to buy second-hand things C) why second-hand items are great bargains D) who benefits from second-hand sales 2. What does the writer say about car boot sales? [1] A)A wide range of things may be found on sale there.​


Ответ дал: Ihelpissl


2. What does the writer say about car boot sales? [1] A) A wide range of things may be found on sale there.

3. What advantage does the writer mention about second-hand bazaars? A) The things are usually cheaper there.

4. What is the writer's opinion on where the money earned from second-hand bazaars goes? B) The money earned usually goes to charity.

5. What is NOT mentioned about second-hand bazaars? C) They are usually organized by the local government.


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