41. There were not people at the market yesterday. A) many B) much C) a few D) a little 42. I put sugar on the fruit. I do not like sugar very much. A) many B) much C) a few D) a little 43. We can all get on the bus. There are only now. passengers on it A) many B) much C) a few D) a little 44. The policeman is holding the right arm. A) robber B) robber's C) robbers D) robbers 45. It was my watch. A) grandfathers B) of grandfather C) grandfather's D) grandfather 46. I can see the bicycles. A) boys B) boys C) boy D) of the boys 47. I checked the answers. Two of were wrong. A) it B) its C) them D) they 48. The postman gave me two letters, so I gave to my mother. A) then B) its C) they D) it 49. The army lost the battle because was not strong. A) they B) them C) it D) its 50. My parents are coming. I'll open the door for A) they B) them C) him D) her​


Ответ дал: Ihelpissl


41. A) many

42. B) much

43. C) a few

44. B) robber's

45. C) grandfather's

46. A) boys'

47. C) them

48. D) them

49. C) it

50. B) them


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