Writing.Task 3. Choose one of the themes below and write a topic. 1. Write about your travelling (60-80 words) should write about.... * Time* place* weather* activities 2. Imagine, you explored the Space. Write about the following points (60-80- words) You should write about​


Ответ дал: lololingf


Theme 1: Write about Your Traveling

In the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain, I embarked on an unforgettable journey last summer. During my two-week adventure, time seemed to slow down, allowing me to savor every moment. The historic landmarks, such as Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, transported me through time. The Mediterranean weather, with its warm sunshine and cool breezes, added to the charm of the experience. Engaging in various activities, from strolling along the La Rambla promenade to tasting local delicacies, made my trip a perfect blend of relaxation and cultural exploration.

Theme 2: Imagine You Explored Space

Embarking on a cosmic voyage, I found myself floating weightlessly among the stars. Time lost its meaning as I gazed at the vastness of the universe, each celestial body telling a unique story. The place I explored was an uncharted galaxy, its cosmic beauty leaving me awe-inspired. Weather conditions were nonexistent in the vacuum of space, but the radiant glow of distant nebulae painted a surreal picture. Engaging in activities like spacewalking and observing breathtaking planetary landscapes made this interstellar adventure an unparalleled exploration beyond the bounds of Earth.


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