1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Nowadays, our homes are full of waterproof / home-made / electronic gadgets.
2 We have solar / recycled / natural panels on our roof that heat the water in our house.
I use high-tech / recycled / automatic bags to carry my shopping home.
4 This gadget is solar / natural / multi-functional. You can listen to music and watch films.
Electric cars are more solar / ecological / digital than petrol cars.
I prefer to buy items that are digital / high-tech /home-made rather than made in a huge fac
7 We want natural / recycled / solar food that is grown locally.
She lives in a house made from digital / automatic / recycled materials.
I can wear this waterproof / solar / natural watch while I'm swimming.
10 This computer system is ecological / recycled / smart. It can respond to a human voice.
2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 There isn't many / much / a little time left.
2 There are too many / a lot / enough people without access to clean water.
Soon there won't be a few / enough / much homes for people to live in.
There are a few / a lot / enough of ways you can save energy.
Take a few / a little / much time to plan your meals for the week so you don't waste food.
6 It's amazing how many / a little / much food some families waste each week.
7 We save much / a little / many money by turning off the lights when we leave the room.
I don't eat many / a lot / enough fruit.
People eat insects in enough / many / a lot countries around the world. It's quite surprising!
10 Did a lot / a little / a few of people in your class take part in the recycling project?
3. Complete the question tags.
1 The recycling will be collected,
2 The company doesn't use plastic,
3 We can reduce the food we waste,
4 They're using too much water,
5 We shouldn't throw plastic away,
6 People should eat less sugar,
7 Climate change is a huge problem,
8 You won't use plastic bags anymore,
9 These tins can go in the recycling,
10 These light bulbs aren't energy efficient,


Ответ дал: rsggergerg

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Nowadays, our homes are full of electronic gadgets.

We have solar panels on our roof that heat the water in our house.

I use recycled bags to carry my shopping home.

This gadget is multi-functional. You can listen to music and watch films.

Electric cars are more ecological than petrol cars.

I prefer to buy items that are home-made rather than made in a huge factory.

We want natural food that is grown locally.

She lives in a house made from recycled materials.

I can wear this waterproof watch while I'm swimming.

This computer system is smart. It can respond to a human voice.

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

There isn't much time left.

There are a lot of people without access to clean water.

Soon there won't be enough homes for people to live in.

There are a lot of ways you can save energy.

Take a little time to plan your meals for the week so you don't waste food.

It's amazing how much food some families waste each week.

We save a lot of money by turning off the lights when we leave the room.

I don't eat much fruit.

People eat insects in many countries around the world. It's quite surprising!

Did a lot of people in your class take part in the recycling project?

Complete the question tags.

The recycling will be collected, won't it?

The company doesn't use plastic, does it?

We can reduce the food we waste, can't we?

They're using too much water, aren't they?

We shouldn't throw plastic away, should we?

People should eat less sugar, shouldn't they?

Climate change is a huge problem, isn't it?

You won't use plastic bags anymore, will you?

These tins can go in the recycling, can't they?

These light bulbs aren't energy-efficient, are they?


lut1: Что из етого 1;2;3 ?!?!
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