1. Does Russia have put words "Charity begins at home" into practice? 2. How many charity organizations do UK has? 3. What famous organizations did you learn from the text? 4. Are the prices high in charity shops?​


Ответ дал: gg1341


"Charity begins at home" is a proverb that suggests taking care of one's own family or close surroundings before helping others. Whether Russia puts this into practice is subjective and depends on various factors, including individual and societal behaviors.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have the most recent data on the exact number of charity organizations in the UK. It's advisable to check the latest statistics or official sources for the most accurate and current information.

You mentioned learning from a text, but it appears that the text is not provided. If you share the relevant information from the text, I can provide insights or answer questions based on that information.

The pricing in charity shops can vary. Typically, items in charity shops are priced lower than their original retail value, as they are often donated goods. However, whether prices are considered high is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and local contexts.


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