SPEAKING Look at the picture and describe it. Model answer: This is a picture of a lake in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. In this picture, the sky is clear and the sun is the shining. There several mountains in are background. There is some ice on the mountains, but there are no trees. There is a small glacier in the background, on the left. There is a lot of ice at the foot of the mountains on the right. At the foot of the mountains, the soil is bare and the slopes are steep. In the foreground, there is a lake. The lake reflects the mountains, like a big mirror. You can see the reflection of the mountains in the lake. The water is clear and very still. There is no wind. Beside the lake is a small forest of fir trees. You can see it in the foreground, on the right. There are also a few fir trees in the background, on the left, at the foot of the mountains.​
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