Put the words in the correct order to make answers. Then listen and check.
1 A I'm not sure this T-shirt fits me very well.
B size / try / you / Why / different / a / don't / ?
Why don't you try a different size?
2 A l'd like to learn how to draw well.
B drawing / you / classes / go / Maybe / to / should.
** 3
3 A I'm thinking of changing the colour of my
B that/l/ worry / don't / you / should / think / about /!
** 4
4 A I want to eat more healthily.
B shouldn't / meals / Maybe / have / between / you / snacks / !
5 A I need more pocket money.
B chores / you / home / should / do / think / more / at / 1/ first/!
6 A There's no room in my wardrobe for all my clothes!
B new /1/ should / many / think / clothes / don't / buy / so/ you


Ответ дал: rsggergerg


Why don't you try a different size?

Maybe you should go to drawing classes.

I think you shouldn't worry about that.

Maybe you shouldn't have snacks between meals.

Maybe you should do more chores at home first.

Maybe you shouldn't buy so many new clothes.


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