Read the dialogue. Write T (true) or F (false). Joe I like these white trainers. They're better than my blue ones. Lee Yes, look! They're softer and more comfortable. Joe But they're the most expensive ones in the shop. I'd like some cheaper ones. Lee What about these green ones? These are the least expensive in the shop Joe Yes, they're nice. But these orange ones are the best. Look, they're comfortable but they're cheaper than the white ones. I'm going to buy these. 1 The white trainers are better than the blue trainers. 2 The blue trainers are more comfortable than the white trainers. 3 The white trainers are softer than the blue ones. 4 The white trainers are the least expensive in the shop. 5 The green trainers are the best. 6 The orange trainers are cheaper than the white trainers. T 111 Mark​


Ответ дал: OlyaKot2610


1 True

2 False

3 True

4 True

5 False

6 True

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