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28 I have a lot of work today; I … (come) home late tonight.
29 I don't think John … … (pass) his French exam; he hasn't studied enough.
30 "When … … (you/fly) to London?" "Tomorrow morning."
31 This time next week … (shop) in Milan.
By the end of the month I … (finish) this project.
33 Helen and I … (go) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?
34 I'm very hungry. I … (make) myself something to eat.
35 The kids … to bed by 10 o'clock.
… (go)


Ответ дал: ardrig09


28 I have a lot of work today; I will come (come) home late tonight.

29 I don't think John will pass (pass) his French exam; he hasn't studied enough.

30 "When are you flying (you/fly) to London?" "Tomorrow morning."

31 This time next week I will be shopping (shop) in Milan.


By the end of the month I will have finished (finish) this project.

33 Helen and I are going (go) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?

34 I'm very hungry. I am going to make (make) myself something to eat.

35 The kids have to go (go) to bed by 10 o'clock.

С наступающим вас)

strawberry3701: Вас тоже
Ответ дал: danaa1168a
28. I have a lot of work today; I **will come** home late tonight.
29. I don't think John **will pass** his French exam; he hasn't studied enough.
30. "When **are you flying** to London?" "Tomorrow morning."
31. This time next week **I will be shopping** in Milan.
32. By the end of the month, I **will have finished** this project.
33. Helen and I **are going** to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?
34. I'm very hungry. I **will make** myself something to eat.
35. The kids **go** to bed by 10 o'clock.
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