III. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags. 1. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin 200 years ago,.....? 2. I am interested in the history of the traditional British food, .....? 3. Bob hasn't watered the lawn yet, .....? 4.My sister is wearing an embroidered blouse, .....? 5. He can't swim very well, ......? 6. Steve started to feel ill last Monday,......? 7. Let's go to the cinema, .....? 8. They are working in the garden now, .....? 9. Clark doesn't often assist the father in repairing a car, .....? 10. You will help me, .....?​



Ответ дал: zawardo75

1. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin 200 years ago, didn't he?

2. I am interested in the history of the traditional British food, aren't I?

3. Bob hasn't watered the lawn yet, has he?

4. My sister is wearing an embroidered blouse, isn't she?

5. He can't swim very well, can he?

6. Steve started to feel ill last Monday, didn't he?

7. Let's go to the cinema, shall we?

8. They are working in the garden now, aren't they?

9. Clark doesn't often assist the father in repairing a car, does he?

10. You will help me, won't you?

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