Complete the sentences. Mind the endings of the words.
2. I don't know what to wear. - Where are you going? - To a piano contes support my friend. - I think you need something s____, not very casual. - You right. Thanks.
3. Can I help you? - I'd like some earrings to go with my outfit. - Check section, please. 4. Do you like this b_ _ _ _ sweatshirt? The oversize style is a hit this seasor No, I don't think I like it very much. Thank you.
5. I just love how this blouse looks on you! This colour m____ your eyes perfectly! - Oh? I'll take it then.
6. It's cold in here. - P___ your jacket. ​


Ответ дал: Hatsunya


2. I don't know what to wear. - Where are you going? - To a piano contest to support my friend. - I think you need something smart, not very casual. - You're right. Thanks.

3. Can I help you? - I'd like some earrings to go with my outfit. - Check the jewelry section, please.

4. Do you like this burgundy sweatshirt? The oversize style is a hit this season. - No, I don't think I like it very much. Thank you.

5. I just love how this blouse looks on you! This color matches your eyes perfectly! - Oh? I'll take it then.

6. It's cold in here. - Put on your jacket.

Ответ дал: rsggergerg


I don't know what to wear. - Where are you going? - To a piano contest to support my friend. - I think you need something smart, not very casual. - You're right. Thanks.

Can I help you? - I'd like some earrings to go with my outfit. - Check the jewelry section, please.

Do you like this burgundy sweatshirt? The oversize style is a hit this season. No, I don't think I like it very much. Thank you.

I just love how this blouse looks on you! This color matches your eyes perfectly! - Oh? I'll take it then.

It's cold in here. - Put on your jacket.


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