Напишіть текст до 7/8 класу текст про їжу що до твого харчування , яку їжу краще споживати та твоя улюблена їжа. 6/7/8 речень на Англійській мові



Ответ дал: kurindasbogdana


I usually have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. I don't often have an opportunity to have a dinner when I'm at school. My meals are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper or tea.Some of my friends have a snack rather than a meal in the morning. But my breakfast is a full meal and I have it at 7 o'clock. It is usually bacon and eggs. Afterwards come sandwiches with butter and cheese or sausages, or sometimes jam. Then I drink tea or coffee.

nastyakovalova2010: Дякую ❤️
kurindasbogdana: будь ласка
kurindasbogdana: якщо що я брала з інтернету
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