1) There is ............ at the door. Can you look who it is?
a) someone b) no one
2) I didn’t eat ............ .
a) something b) anything
3) Would you like ............ to eat?
a) something b) everything
4) This evening I’m going out with ............ friends.
a) some b) any
5) Did you see my watch? I can’t find it ............ .
a) nowhere b) anywhere
6) The bus was empty (порожній). There was ............ on it.
a) everybody b) nobody
40 баловв


Ответ дал: p8354894


1) a) someone

2) b) anything

3) a) something

4) a) some

5) b) anywhere

6) b) nobody

Ответ дал: banan3ik228


1) There is **someone** at the door. Can you look who it is? (a)

2) I didn’t eat **anything**. (b)

3) Would you like **something** to eat? (a)

4) This evening I’m going out with **some** friends. (a)

5) Did you see my watch? I can’t find it **anywhere**. (b)

6) The bus was empty. There was **nobody** on it. (b)


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