2 Change the words in the box into the correct form to complete the sentences. There is one word you do not need. accuracy fluent memorisation practice revise translation 1 I can't come out - I've got to do a lot of for my exam on Monday. 2 Emma's completely bilingual - she speaks English and French 3 You need to check your written work carefully and make sure it's 4 What techniques do you use to new words you come across? 5 I'll be home a bit late because I've got football after school. any Score /5​



Ответ дал: eisakmatvei


1. I can't come out - I've got to do a lot of revision for my exam on Monday.

2. Emma's completely bilingual - she speaks English and French fluently

3. You need to check your written work carefully and make sure it's accurate

4. What techniques do you use to memorise new words you come across?

5. I'll be home a bit late because I've got football after school. (я считаю,что здесь преобразования не нужно)

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