Open the brackets using the present simple or the present continuous tense
What ________ she ________ (do) at the moment?
Emma ________ (not read) now.
He always ________(do) his homework after school.
________ you ________ (eat) tomatoes?
James ________(write) a review at the moment.
They ________ (not go) to school on Saturdays.
He ________ (catch) the bus to school every morning.
________ Peter ________ (play) basketball after school


Ответ дал: rampoe

Open the brackets using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.

What is she doing at the moment?

Emma is not reading now.

He always does his homework after school.

Do you eat tomatoes?

James is writing a review at the moment.

They do not go to school on Saturdays.

He catches the bus to school every morning.

Does Peter play basketball after school?

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