8 Rewrite the two sentences as one sentence using non-defining relative clauses. 1 I go to the supermarket in the evening. It is quieter in the evening. 2 My grandmother goes for a walk every day. She is 83. 3 My youngest brother works on a farm. He lives in Australia. 4 Peter Jackson is going to be Head Boy. You met his mother last week. 5 English is now my favourite subject. I never used to like it. 6 Windward Park is now a conference centre. I used to go to school there. Score/6​



Ответ дал: ukrainkavafelka


1. I go to the supermarket in the evening, which is quieter at that time.

2. My grandmother, who is 83, goes for a walk every day.

3. My youngest brother, who lives in Australia, works on a farm.

4. Peter Jackson, whose mother you met last week, is going to be Head Boy.

5. English, which I never used to like, is now my favourite subject.

6. Windward Park, where I used to go to school, is now a conference centre.


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