1........ advice 2........ last but not least 3........ to be tempted anxious 4 5........ plenty 6. repetition 7........ a stroll around the block 8........ to cover something up
a. nervous and worried
b. to be strongly attracted to doing something
с.a good or full amount
d.the act of doing something again
e.an opinion or recommendation about what someone should do
f. a short walk around your local area g. to put something over something so that you can't see it
h.an expression used before the last thing in a list, to say that it is equally as important


Ответ дал: kafoxe8851

advice an opinion or recommendation about what someone should do

last but not least an expression used before the last thing in a list, to say that it is equally as important

to be tempted to be strongly attracted to doing something

anxious nervous and worried

plenty a good or full amount

repetition the act of doing something again

a stroll around the block a short walk around your local area

to cover something up to put something over something so that you can't see it

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