1. Peter never gets up early on weekdays. )
2. He has a healthy breakfast before school. .)
3. He walks to school with his friends every day. ( )
4. He doesn't attend a basketball course. ( )
5. He watches cartoons after he comes home.
6. He never stays in his room in the evenings. ( )
7. He goes to bed after he reads a book. ( )
8. Peter and his family never go to the cinema. ( )
9. Peter's grandparents live in a big city. ( ) 10. Peter spends time with his grandparents' dog.​

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Ответ дал: ajtkazyernr


Let's categorize these sentences based on the presence or absence of the adverb "never" in the context of Peter's routine:

1. Peter never gets up early on weekdays. (✓)

- He does not wake up early on weekdays.

2. He has a healthy breakfast before school. (✓)

- He does have a healthy breakfast before school.

3. He walks to school with his friends every day. (✓)

- He walks to school daily with his friends.

4. He doesn't attend a basketball course. (✓)

- He does not attend a basketball course.

5. He watches cartoons after he comes home.

- (No indication about "never")

6. He never stays in his room in the evenings. (✓)

- He does not stay in his room in the evenings.

7. He goes to bed after he reads a book. (✓)

- He goes to bed after reading a book.

8. Peter and his family never go to the cinema. (✓)

- They do not go to the cinema.

9. Peter's grandparents live in a big city. (✓)

- His grandparents live in a big city.

10. Peter spends time with his grandparents' dog.

- (No indication about "never")


Sentences with a checkmark (✓) reflect the presence of "never" or indicate a negative action, while those without it provide information but lack a reference to the absence or negation of the activity.

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