Помогите пожалуйста!!
Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

Lunch ___________ at half past one.
*один правильный ответ

is served

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

A bridge ____________ over the river.
*один правильный ответ

will build

will be built
Choose the correct option to complete the gap.
How many trees __________ every year?
*один правильный ответ

are cut down

cut down
Choose the correct option to complete the gap.
The book __________ in March.
*один правильный ответ

must be published

must publish


Ответ дал: mowoxa1198

Lunch is served at half past one.

A bridge will be built over the river.

How many trees are cut down every year?

The book must be published in March.

Ответ дал: 5nnpytqrzw
Lunch **is served** at half past one.

A bridge **will be built** over the river.

How many trees **are cut down** every year?

The book **must be published** in March.
Если не сложно по ставьте 5 звезд;)
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