С каждим словом по 3 придложения
надо так ,,,
he no longer traveled public transport
we must go by public transport
Mark want to buy validate for public transport

at the) bus stop

public transport
validate (your ticket)
wait (for)
turn left/right
go by _____
take a _____
go upstairs


Ответ дал: ukrainkavafelka


1. At the bus stop:

- Sarah was waiting at the bus stop for almost half an hour due to the delayed schedule of the public transport.

- At the bus stop, there were numerous people queuing up, making it challenging to get onto the bus quickly.

- The information board at the bus stop displayed the arrival time of the next bus, helping commuters plan their journey effectively.

2. Public transport:

- Using public transport is environmentally friendly because it reduces the number of cars on the road, thus lowering pollution levels.

- Some people prefer public transport over driving, as it allows them to relax, read, or catch up on work during the commute.

- In many cities, public transport networks are extensive, comprising buses, trains, trams, and subways, providing convenient travel options.

3. Validate (your ticket):

- It's essential to validate your ticket before boarding to avoid any fines or penalties for not having a validated ticket.

- Passengers should remember to validate their tickets at the provided machines to ensure they are usable for the entire journey.

- If your ticket isn't validated, you might encounter issues during ticket inspections, so always make sure it's validated before traveling.

4. Escalator:

- As Maria stepped onto the escalator, she noticed a sign indicating it was under maintenance and out of service.

- The department store had a separate escalator for carts, making it convenient for shoppers to move between floors.

- Using the escalator saved time, especially during rush hours when the stairs were congested with commuters.

5. Underground:

- The underground train system in the city was the most efficient way to travel during peak hours.

- The underground network was vast, connecting various parts of the city seamlessly.

- Some cities have an extensive underground system, while others rely more on above-ground public transport options.

6. Underpass:

- The underpass near the station provided a safe route for pedestrians to cross the busy road.

- The underpass was well-lit and had clear signages, ensuring people could navigate easily even at night.

- During rainy days, the underpass was particularly useful as it protected pedestrians from getting wet while crossing.

7. Metro:

- The city's metro system was renowned for its punctuality and frequency of trains.

- Many commuters preferred the metro due to its speed and efficiency in covering long distances within the city.

- The metro station was bustling with people during rush hours, reflecting its popularity among commuters.

8. Subway:

- In some regions, people refer to the underground train system as the subway.

- The subway was the quickest mode of transport to reach downtown from the outskirts of the city.

- The subway was well-connected, allowing passengers to transfer easily between different lines.

9. Bridge:

- The bridge across the river offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline.

- Walking across the bridge was a refreshing experience, especially during sunset.

- The bridge was an architectural marvel, attracting tourists from around the world.

10. Fountain:

- The fountain in the city square was a popular spot for locals and tourists to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

- The fountain's water display changed patterns every hour, captivating everyone who passed by.

- Children loved playing around the fountain, especially during hot summer days.

11. Cross:

- Pedestrians should always wait for the signal to cross the road safely.

- There was an overhead bridge nearby, making it easier for people to cross the busy intersection.

- The zebra crossing was painted with bright colors to ensure drivers noticed pedestrians crossing the street.

12. Wait (for):

- Passengers had to wait for a few minutes before the bus arrived at the stop.

- Waiting for the subway during peak hours could sometimes be challenging due to overcrowding.

- It's advisable to arrive early and wait for your turn to board the train without rush.

13. Turn left/right:

- When driving to the city center, you'll reach a T-junction where you need to turn left, following the signs for the shopping mall.

- After exiting the subway station, the map indicated I should turn right to find the museum located a few blocks away.

- The directions given were clear: turn left at the traffic lights, and you'll see the park entrance on your right-hand side.


ukrainkavafelka: 14. Go by (blank):

- Some prefer to go by bus when commuting to work, as it's more cost-effective than driving.

- To get to the airport, you can go by train, which is often the fastest mode of transport during peak hours.

- I usually go by foot to the gym, as it's nearby and provides a good warm-up before exercising.
ukrainkavafelka: 15. Take a (blank):

- Let's take a taxi to reach the hotel quickly; it's more convenient with our luggage.

- Whenever it rains heavily, I prefer to take a bus to avoid getting wet while walking.

- After the meeting, we decided to take a stroll to the nearby café for a cup of coffee and some relaxation.
ukrainkavafelka: 16. Taxi:

- Sarah hailed a taxi to catch her flight on time as the bus schedule was uncertain due to traffic.

- In bustling cities like New York or London, finding a vacant taxi during rush hours can be quite challenging.

- The taxi driver suggested a shortcut to avoid the traffic jam, which helped us reach our destination earlier.
ukrainkavafelka: 17. Go upstairs:

- The party venue was on the third floor, so we had to go upstairs using the elevator.

- At the train station, the platform for intercity trains was upstairs, accessible via escalators or lifts.

- To reach the restaurant, you need to go upstairs; it's located on the second level of the shopping complex.
Ответ дал: svishchova78
He no longer traveled by public transport as he purchased a car for his daily commute. The convenience of having his own vehicle made the daily journey much more comfortable and time-efficient. No more crowded buses or waiting at bus stops for him.

We must go by public transport as it is an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to travel. Utilizing buses or trains reduces our carbon footprint and contributes to a more sustainable environment. Additionally, public transport can ease traffic congestion and promote a sense of community among commuters.

Mark wanted to buy a valid ticket for public transport to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey. Validating his ticket at the designated machines allowed him to use various modes of public transport, such as buses and trains. This ensured compliance with transportation regulations and helped maintain the efficiency of the public transit system.

At the bus stop, commuters gather to board buses that will take them to their destinations. The bus stop serves as a hub for public transport, connecting people from different parts of the city. It's a place where individuals wait for their rides and share the common experience of traveling by bus.

Public transport systems often require passengers to validate their tickets before boarding. This step ensures that everyone has a valid fare, contributing to the smooth operation of the transit system. Validating tickets helps prevent fare evasion and supports the ongoing maintenance of public transportation services.

An escalator is a moving staircase commonly found in public transport stations. It assists passengers in moving between different levels, providing a convenient and efficient way to navigate large transportation hubs. Escalators enhance the flow of people and reduce congestion in busy areas.

The underground, also known as the subway or metro, is a key component of urban public transport networks. It consists of a system of trains running below ground level, connecting various parts of a city. The underground provides a fast and efficient means of transportation, especially in densely populated urban areas.

An underpass is a pedestrian or vehicular passage that goes beneath a road or railway. It allows people to cross busy streets or railroads safely. Underpasses are common in urban areas, enhancing accessibility and ensuring the smooth flow of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

A metro or subway is an electric railway system commonly found in urban areas. It usually operates underground, offering a rapid and efficient mode of transportation. Metros connect different neighborhoods and facilitate the movement of large numbers of people within a city.

A bridge is a structure that spans over a body of water or another obstacle, providing a passage for pedestrians, vehicles, or trains. Bridges play a crucial role in connecting different parts of a city and improving accessibility. They contribute to the efficiency of public transport by enabling seamless connectivity.

A fountain is a decorative water feature often found in public spaces, including transportation hubs. Fountains enhance the aesthetics of these areas and create a pleasant environment for commuters. They serve as focal points, adding a touch of beauty and tranquility to public transport locations.

To cross a street safely, pedestrians must use designated crosswalks and wait for traffic signals. Crossing at the appropriate locations helps maintain order and safety in areas with heavy vehicular traffic. It is an essential practice for pedestrians using public transport to reach their destinations securely.

Waiting for the bus or train is a common part of using public transport. Commuters patiently wait for their turn to board, checking schedules and ensuring they are at the right stop. Waiting is an integral aspect of the public transport experience, requiring individuals to plan their journeys and coordinate with the transit schedule.

To turn left or right at an intersection is a fundamental aspect of pedestrian and vehicular movement. Following traffic signals and road signs is crucial for maintaining order and safety in areas with complex transportation networks. Turning is a coordinated action that ensures the smooth flow of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Going by taxi is an alternative mode of transportation for those who prefer a more private and direct journey. Taxis offer door-to-door service, providing convenience and flexibility for passengers. While more expensive than public transport, taxis are valued for their efficiency and comfort, especially for specific travel needs.

Going upstairs is often required in public transport stations with multiple levels. Stairs or escalators lead passengers to upper platforms or exits. Navigating stairs is a common activity for commuters, and it contributes to the overall accessibility and functionality of transportation hubs.
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