Помогите пожалуйста Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.
a. I went red as a beetroot
b. they were
laughing their heads off
c. I nearly jumped out of my skin
d. I wanted the
ground to swallow me up
A: I had an awful day at school today!
B: What happened?
A: My friends and I were sitting around in the classroom telling jokes before the lesson. Some were really funny and (1) —
But then I saw a spider on my desk and (2) _•
B: Oh no!
A: Yeah, a boy tried to kill it but the spider got away and jumped in my hair.
B: That's terrible! What did you do?
A: I started screaming! Then as I was running to the WC, I bumped into my teacher and all the books and papers he was carrying went up in the air! I was so embarrassed! (3) - When I realised that it wasn't a real spider (4)
B: At least you weren't white from fear anymore.



Ответ дал: mowoxa1198

A: I had an awful day at school today!

B: What happened?

A: My friends and I were sitting around in the classroom telling jokes before the lesson. Some were really funny and (1) they were laughing their heads off. But then I saw a spider on my desk and (2) I nearly jumped out of my skin.

B: Oh no!

A: Yeah, a boy tried to kill it but the spider got away and jumped in my hair.

B: That's terrible! What did you do?

A: I started screaming! Then as I was running to the WC, I bumped into my teacher and all the books and papers he was carrying went up in the air! I was so embarrassed! (3) I wanted the ground to swallow me up. When I realized that it wasn't a real spider (4) I went red as a beetroot.

B: At least you weren't white from fear anymore.

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