Помогите пожалуйста A. Complete the text with the full infinitive, bare infinitive, or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
My friend Daniel was really tired of (1) (work) in that Italian restaurant. He couldn't (2)
(get) along with the chef and his boss always made him
(work) long hours. So, one day he
(start) his own business, his own
restaurant. At first, he wanted (5)
together with his brother, but Adam wasn't interested in (6)
(try) anything like that. Daniel didn't have a lot
of money, so he had to avoid (7)
very expensive place. After about two weeks, he found the perfect place. He called his friend Betty
_(ask) her to help him choose the right
tables and chairs. He wanted everything to be perfect. Now, after almost a year, he is happy (9)
that his business is very successful and he is thinking of (10) -
(open) a second restaurant soon.



Ответ дал: mowoxa1198

1. working

2. get

3. work

4. started

5. to work

6. trying

7. opening

8. to ask

9. that

10. opening

Ответ дал: svishchova78
1. working
2. get
3. working
4. started
5. to work
6. trying
7. opening
8. asking
9. that his business is very successful
10. opening
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