3 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use make or do in the correct form. 1 Ali: Have you really finished your homework? Ben: Yes, I home this afternoon. it in the bus on the way 2 Sam: Aren't you worried about mistakes when you speak? Lea: Not really, I think fluency is more important than accuracy. 3 Dan: Which question did you answer in the writing test? Bob: I city or country. 4 Amy: What's tonight's English homework? Max: We've got to learn the vocab. the essay about living in the exercise 4 and 5 Tom: Is your sister planning to go to university? French and Mia: Yes, she's going to German. Score/5​



Ответ дал: DanceMarinka1357

1) did

2) making

3) made

4) do

5) do

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