Как правильно сделать Task 1. Hannши will, will not или am/is/are going to Will 1. So you get there? 2. I think it live in Canada! What are going to do when you will not WELL NOT rain tomorrow, so let's go hiking today. do if you don't pass the exam? play with us tomorrow? lend you some. have a picnic tomorrow. It's all planned, I hope it Will 3. What 4. We need one more player. Will 5. I don't have enough money. Don't worry 6. We Will is rain. 7. Mark is starting College next week. What 8. Do you think she 9. Look! The bus Will aregoing to miss it. 10. What's your plan for the weekend? Will 11. It's a secret! Please don't tell anybody. - Okay, I promise I 12. What do you need so many apples for? - I Will 13. Do you think it Will nor will not study? like the present I got for her? leave! Hurry or we visit my relatives. WELL hot tell anybody. _make an apple pie. snow. rain? No, it's too cold. I think it​


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