13.3 Listen and fill the gaps. B6 EXAMPLE It's time to go 1 Shall we 2 I came by 3 When you go out, back 4 I'm going to buy a new 5 A: You don't ? the . tomorrow. in your tea, do you? B: I do, in 6 It's only seven o'clock and it's already 7 Listen and 8 Mark your answer with a Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat. HIEROTTI Can I carry your bags?​



Ответ дал: gg1341


It's time to go. Shall we (go)?

I came by (to visit).

When you go out, (please) back (soon).

I'm going to buy a new (car).

A: You don't (put) the (sugar) in your tea, do you?

B: I do, (just) in (small amounts).

It's only seven o'clock, and it's already (dark).

Listen and (enjoy the music).

Mark your answer with a (pen


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