​Complete the reported speech. (3 marks)
​‘I’m Jim.’ Ò He said he was Jim.
1​‘We play football on Saturday.’ Ò They said ___​____________________ football on Saturday.
2​‘Lisa is telling the truth.’ Ò Sam told me that ​__________________________ the truth.
3​‘I haven’t found my bag.’ Ò My dad told me that ​________________________________ bag.
4​‘I won’t tell you a lie.’ Ò He told us that ______​____________________ a lie.
5​‘I can’t run faster than you.’ Ò She said _______​____________________ faster than ___________.
6​‘You all have to wear uniforms.’ Ò He explained that _____________________________ uniforms.
Помогитее !!


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. ...they played...

2. ...Liza was telling...

3. ...he hadn't found his bag.

4. ...he wouldn't tell a lie.

5. ...she couldn't run faster than I could.

6. ...we all had to wear uniforms.


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