4. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs. What film is it?
It's about a princess who 1) ran (run) away from the palace because her
stepmother 2)
(want) to kill her. She 3)
(find) a house in
the forest where seven little men 4)
(live). However, her stepmother
(come) to the house dressed as
(give) her an apple. The seven little men
(be) too late
(find) her, 6)
an old woman, and 7)
(chase) the
because the princess 10)
end, a prince 11)
stepmother away, but it 9)
(wake up).
The name of the film is
(be) already asleep because of the apple. In the
(come) along and 12)
(kiss) her and she


Ответ дал: sdfdsgdsgdftyrtytyre


It's about a princess who 1) ran away from the palace because her stepmother 2) wanted to kill her. She 3) found a house in the forest where seven little men 4) lived. However, her stepmother 5) came to the house dressed as an old woman, and 6) gave her an apple. The seven little men 7) were too late to 8) find her, because the princess 9) was already asleep because of the apple. In the end, a prince 10) came along and 11) kissed her and she 12) woke up. The name of the film is "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."


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