Срочно допоможіть!!!!!
Crocodiles are … to come close to them.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
enough dangerous
too dangerous
more dangerous
I don’t want to go to the beach because it’s not … to swim.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
enough warm
warm enough
too warm
Birmingham is one of the largest cities ... England.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
The Pacific is … ocean.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
the deeppest
the deepest
Friday is …. day of the week.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
the good
the best


Ответ дал: egorsyulgin2016

Crocodiles are too dangerous to come close to them.

I don't want to go to the beach because it's not warm enough to swim.

Birmingham is one of the largest cities in England.

The Pacific is the deepest ocean.

Friday is the best day of the week.

Ответ дал: valerix32
1. Crocodiles are too dangerous to come close to them.

2. I don’t want to go to the beach because it’s not warm enough to swim.

3. Birmingham is one of the largest cities in England.

4. The Pacific is the deepest ocean.

5. Friday is the best day of the week.
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