Помогите пожалуйста
8. (Q) Choose the correct answer.

A: How old you in 1990?

B: I 10, but I 25 now.

A) are/are/was

B) were/was/am

C) was/are/were

D) were/was/are

9. (Q) Choose the correct answer.

I know that I late 2 days ago, but this time I late.

A) am/were

B) am notam not

C) was/was

D) wasn't/am

10. (Q) Choose the correct answer your dinner like last night?

A) What were

B) Who were

C) What was

D) Where were

11. (Q) Choose the correct answer.

your friend late this morning?

A) Was

B) Were

C) Who were

D) When was

12. (Q) Choose the correct answer.

your teachers when you were six?

A) Was

B) Were

C) Who were

D) When was

13. (Q) Put the words in the correct order.

I/piano/hate/ playing / the

A) I playing hate the piano.

B) I hate playing the piano.

C) I hate piano the playing.

D) I hate the piano playing​


Ответ дал: ardrig09


8. В

9. В

10. С

11. А

12. В

13. В

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